Concert Band
The Symphonic Band and Concert Band are balanced ensembles of woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments comprised of students in grades 9 - 12.
How it All Works
At the conclusion of marching season, the band remains together as one large concert band for the rest of first semester giving one performance in December. In mid-December auditions are held for placement in the Symphonic and Concert Bands which begin rehearsing at the start of second semester. Both bands rehearse at the same time during first hour.
The Symphonic and Concert bands both participate in three to four concerts and in the Missouri State Large Ensemble Festival held each spring. Both groups received Honor I ratings this past spring and the band program is proud to have earned thirty-seven consecutive Honor I ratings at the state large ensemble festival.
The Symphonic Band was selected to perform at the Missouri Music Educators Association Convention in January of 2007, the fourth time they have been selected for this honor.